As I have said before January thru March are my least favorite months. It's cold and it usually goes by so slow! Luckily some how this year time is going by fast! We have been so busy and the days seem to be flying by which is great! The faster we get to summer time the better! Here are some pictures of what has been keeping us busy this month. Peyton is growing up so fast! He makes everyday so fun and exciting, I never know what he's going to do or say and there is always something new. These first pictures are of some of the funny things I have found him doing that made me laugh.
One night we were getting ready for bed and I ran up stairs to get his toothbrush. I thought he was going to follow me up but he didn't come so I came back down and he had turned the t.v. on and cuddled up on the couch like this. He looked so darn cute it just made me smile:)
One afternoon it was a pretty nice day so we were out in the backyard playing. I went inside to do something and had left the door open. I heard some beeping and commotion and went to see what Peyton was up too. He had pulled the space heater over and had it on blowing out the door. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "It's a little bit cold Mommy." I just laughed. Good problem solving I guess:)
One morning while I was getting ready Peyton was doing his usual playing around and pulling things out of drawers and such. Shaye had left one of his deodorants that was almost all gone in the bottom cupboard so Peyton could find it. Peyton loves Dad's deodorant and he always wants some. So when he found it at first he told me to put it on the counter cause it is Daddy's. I told him Dad left it for him as a surprise. He said, "for me?...I need some!!" And he quickly started taking off his jammies! I was laughing but luckily I quickly got a picture of him, love his serious face!
Peyton loves playing in the sand box at Gramps Brown's house. He loves going to Kanab and it is so funny the way he pronounces Kanab:)
We had a fun pizza and movie night with the cousins. They had fun making a big tent with blankets and getting inside to watch a show.
Plus they loved the popcorn!
I got a jogging stroller which both Peyton and I are really enjoying. We are so glad we've had some warm days to get out and run! Hope we have lost of warmer weather to come!
Here is proof that Peyton is slowing getting better and eating. He surprises me sometimes and will be willing to try things that he normally won't eat. I had to take a picture of him eating this carrot to proof that he was eating them.
Peyton loves his cousin Tavin and he always wants to play with him. One day we brought Tav home with us to play for a bit and the whole ride home I was laughing. It was so funny to listen to these cuties chatting in the back. I wish I could remember what they were saying but whatever it was it was pretty funny, love watching them interact with each other.
We took a little family get away down to Las Vegas to spend some time together as a family and visit GG. Peyton and Shaye's favorite store to go to is any sporting good's store. Peyton's favorite thing is playing in the tents they have set up. He tested all the zippers and found every window and opening. The things that make him so happy:)
Thank's to GG Shaye and I were able to get out on a date together. We enjoyed a good movie and even had the theater all to ourselves:)
Peyton loves the fish aquarium's at Bass Pro Shops. It is so fun to watch him get so excited about everything. He was trying to hard to catch the little yellow fish as they would swim by.
What a little sweetheart he is!!
Fun times out on the town with Mom and Dad. Love being with my boys!!
The weather was so nice while we were there we enjoyed spending some time at the park running around and enjoying the sunshine.
Races with GG. Peyton could have done this all day! He loves to play with GG!
Love, love, love the sunshine!!
Love watching my boys talk to each other.
Peyton loves his Daddy...
he wants to be just like him. I love them both!:)