Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Peyton's Favorite Things

I can't believe how quickly Peyton is growing up! I see his personality come out more and more everyday. He is always making me laugh at the silly things he does. Here are a few of his favorite things right now and what he's been up to.
Peyton has loved shoes for quite some time now. He always wants me to put on my shoes and put his shoes on him but lately he likes putting mine and Shaye's shoes on. At first he would get really frustrated cause he couldn't keep them on and he would fall. But I must say he has kept at it and now he is becoming quite good at walking in our shoes. He doesn't need our help to put them on anymore so he will just come walking by and I'll notice them and it makes me laugh every time:)
He continue to love to cheese it for the camera but now he knows that you can see the picture on the back so he always wants to come see what he looked like in the shot. I love those big brown eyes!
He thinks he is quite the big boy these days and does not need my help for many things that he thinks he can do on his own, like eating. He refuses to take anything from a spoon in my hand but when I hand it over to him this is what happens. I guess he has to learn some how.
This was a successful bite, maybe half of the applesauce made it in his mouth.
This weekend Peyton and his cousins got a treat when their uncle Brandon came to town and brought his new puppies. Don't ask me why Brandon now has two puppies I was very surprised myself but Peyton, Tavin and Trajen thought it was the best thing ever! Here is Peyton trying to get Tank to talk to him, they are pretty darn cute.
What a cute little thing he is and Peyton thought so to.
I think this one is Teddy.

Last but not least one of Peyton's favorite things is his Daddy! He knows when he hears the garage door open that Dad is coming home and he will run to the door and wait. It is so cute and he loves all the silly games Shaye plays with him like snakes on the bed and pillow fights. Oh the excitement Peyton brings to our lives, I don't know what we did for entertainment before?!

1 comment:

K Worthington said...

I just can't believe how grown up he is! He seems like a really smart kid. Love that he puts your shoes on:)