Sunday, September 19, 2010

Peyton's Arrival

I can't believe he is finally here!! We are home now and trying to adjust to our new lives. Things are going well so far. He slept great his first night home which I was grateful for, I got more sleep at home than in the hospital without nurses and such coming in just as we had all fallen asleep and such. I hope that tonight goes as well. This is a long post so get ready!
Well, before I go to much into the here and now I better tell the whole story of how this all happened. It all started Thursday morning when I went into Laurie's office (my nurse midwife) just for a check. She said everything looked good, she thought he would come this weekend so we would just wait for him to be ready. So I made an appointment for Monday if he hadn't come. Before I left Laurie decided to send me down for an ultrasound just to check and make sure everything was good. So I went and had the ultrasound and planned to go to work when I was done. After the ultrasound the lady said, "well I'll walk back to Laurie's with you, today is a good day to have a baby." She was very nice but I didn't know what was going on so I started to get a little nervous. When we got to Laurie's office the lady handed them something and said my fluid level was at a 2-3. I saw their eyes get big and they picked up the phone and started calling and told me to call my husband cause I wasn't leaving, I was having a baby! Everyone was very positive and nice but they didn't really explain what was going on so I started getting really scared that something was wrong and of course I started crying. I called Shaye and he was on his way home from hunting that morning and of course startled him cause I was crying and told him to get there as soon as possible cause we were having a baby today! He was there within 45 mins and I had calmed down. They explained that there was not enough water for him to live in my tummy anymore and he needed to come out today but that I didn't need to worry and things would be fine. So I head in and get ready to be induced and settle in for a long day. At this point it was 10 a.m. and they said it would probably be an all day thing and I wouldn't have the baby until like midnight. So I got all hooked up to everything and they started the process. My whole pregnancy I have been planning to have a natural birth but now that I was being induced I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to do it cause things weren't going as I had planned. Some how everything worked out so well and I am so grateful and feel so blessed. Things started to go quickly and by 2:30 I was having serious contractions. At that point I was way scared cause I knew I couldn't do this until midnight and I was starting to freak out. Poor Shaye and Mikkel were my coaches and they didn't know what to do either. I never yelled at them Shaye said I just ignored them. They would ask me something and I just wouldn't say anything. If you can't say anything nice don't say anything right?! No I wasn't thinking mean things I was just trying to figure out how to relax and get through this and it took much effort to respond. They checked me at 2:30 and I was at a 4 so I got in the tub and tried to relax as things got hard. I was in there for about 45 mins and then I was dying and I had to get out. I felt like I wanted to push and I didn't know what to do. Mikkel and Shaye didn't know what to do cause they couldn't get a nurse to come in and I was wanting to push or do something but I'm still thinking you have to do this until midnight and I can't do this. The nurse finally came and checked me and said, were having a baby and called Laurie to come down. I was like what?!? Right now?!? So I started pushing and that was crazy I thought I might die and I remember thinking I am just so tired I want to go to sleep so bad! I pushed for just over an hour and just when I thought I would die he came out!!! I can't explain the relief I felt I was so happy and so...I don't even know I was just so happy that he came out. I did it I was so relieved. They immediately put him right on me and cleaned him up and we've been together ever since:)
Mikkel was so great, not only did she coach me but she took pictures and they are awesome! They speak for themselves and tell the story of his birth, don't worry she left out the gory details, thank goodness:)

He's here! We love him and he couldn't be more perfect. We feel so blessed!!


Natalie Puikkonen said...

Great story. It so confusing especially on the first one. So sad that the nurses were not responding to you. I too was put on pit with Kaleb and that makes the contractions even stronger so good for you on going Natural, we you think you are going to die but they finally come out and all is well!!! Yes so nice to have them on the outside but they are so much easier to take care of when they are inside. :)

JEN said...

YAY! You are so awesome. Seriously! Good job. That is a great story. And great pictures.

oh... and I love that name!

Kate Nally said...

You didn't get an epidural?!!! You are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I"m glad everything went well and that you didn't have to wait until midnight for him to come! :)

Hollie said...

Good job Ash!! Seriously. Amazing pictures. I think I'll hire Mikkel to photograph my next baby. haha Really though. So neat and you'll be so happy you have them.

Malinda S. said...

Congrats! That you did it without drugs is AMAZING! I have been induced on both of my pregnancies, and I know it isn't easy. You don't get to prepare and they start coming just so fast. Can't wait for more updates!

Anonymous said...

Congrats again! He is such a cute baby! Love the story! It went fast for you!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading your story, even though I had already heard it. What an exciting event! I am excited to hear how things are going at home! Give him some kisses from me!

Jonathon and Amanda said...

So glad you went natural. I did it with both kids. Its the best way to go. Hes so handsome. Glad everything went well.

Cyndi said...

Congrats Ashley! I am so happy for you and Shaye! HE is so precious! Way to go with the ALL NATURAL thing:) Laurie was my CNM with Megan and Kacie too. I LOVE her! She is one of the BEST N-A-T-U-R-A-L, Docs ever. I'm glad things went as smooth as they did, I bet you were VERY nervous at first

Sarah Jimenez said...

Congrats Shaye and Ashley! What a beautiful baby boy you have! Ash, you are a trooper! I can't even THINK about no epidural. I can't wait to see more pics!

Staci said...

Congratulations! Your mom and sister told me you did great! There is nothing like the birth of your first child! Cherish every second, because when number 2 comes, you don't get as much time while they are small! I know everyone says that and I know you are cherishing every moment, but it goes so fast! Oh, and I love his name too!

Anonymous said...

wahoo!!! good for you!! More pictures of Peyton please!!! =)
Glad he made it safe

Kenzie said...

YAY! He is so perfect! Congrats! Can't wait to meet him! Love you guysK:)